Pema Thinley

Pema Thinley

Dasho (Dr.) Pema Thinley graduated from Western Australian Institute of Technology and obtained his M.Ed and M. Curr. Std (Hons) from the University of New England, Australia. He also holds a Diploma in Education from Western Australian Institute of Technology and a Diploma in Education Administration from Leeds University, United Kingdom. He received an Honorary Doctorate of Education from the University of New England, Australia in 2004 for his work in the development of education in Bhutan. He was awarded Red Scarf and the title of Dasho by His Majesty Jigme Singye Wangchudk the king of Bhutan in February 2007 for his distinguished service in Education.

His career began as a teacher at Yangchenphu High School in 1976. From then on, he rose in ranks to become the Vice Principal of Yangchenphu High School in 1981, Principal of Paro High School in 1982, Director of Samtse College of Education in 1984, Director of Curriculum and Professional Support Service Division (CAPSD) in 1994, Principal of Sherubtse College in 1997, Director of Department of Education in 1999, Director General of Department of Education in 2002, Secretary of the Ministry of Education in 2003 and finally the Vice Chancellor of the Royal University of Bhutan in 2007. He has retired since September 2014, but he continues to work on Gross National Happiness Values Education or Universal Human Values Education, with the Royal University of Bhutan.

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