Meeting with Ms. Lovita Ramguttee, Deputy Country Director (Programmes and Operations), UNDP, Sri Lanka

26 January 2018 | UN Compound, Colombo, Sri Lanka

Ms. Lovita Ramguttee
Prof. Gamini Keerawella, Executive Director, Regional Centre for Strategic Studies (RCSS) met with Ms. Lovita Ramguttee, Deputy Country Director (Programmes and Operations), United Nations Development Programme, Sri Lanka to discuss future collaboration between the two organizations. Ms. Lovita Ramguttee expressed interest to know RCSS future work plan to identify possibilities of collaboration in the broader areas of youth empowerment and governance parallel to the next five year plan of UNDP Sri Lanka.

Prof. Gamini Keerawella
In that light Prof. Gamini Keerawella highlighted the capacity of RCSS as an independent regional organization in South Asia to implement projects that are inclusive of other countries of the South Asia region. He further elaborated on RCSS as an organization which focuses on Research, Advocacy and Networking, that will complement the future collaboration between the two organizations. He discussed the evolving strategic contours in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR) which enables broader cooperation in the organizations working on different priorities with the countries in IOR. He highlighted the possibility of promoting civic space in Sri Lanka and beyond with a common regional approach. 

In terms of furthering the cooperation between RCSS and UNDP Sri Lanka, Prof. Keerawella indicated that the partnership built between UNDP and RCSS during “Future Policing” Conference in 2016, can be broaden if collaboration is possible on programmes related to reconciliation and conflict transformation in Sri Lanka, if a regional dialogue can be created around peace building in Sri Lanka and the other countries of South Asia region. Ms. Lovita Ramguttee indicated the possibility of working together on the areas of youth and women under the youth empowerment programme of UNDP and the National Youth Service Council of Sri Lanka. Prof. Keerawella expressed interest to contribute to empower youth in terms of preparing youth for future leadership in political, economic and social spheres.

  © Regional Centre for Strategic Studies.