Women, Veil and Security

11 October 2015 – 12 October 2015 | Colombo, Sri Lanka

RCSS, as the Regional Secretariat for the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict – South Asia (GPPAC SA) is undertaking to project titled “ Women, Veil and Security.”

The practice of using the is not limited to one religion or group or gender. Most ethnic and religious communities have at some point in their history adopted the practice of veiling. Yet in different cultures, it has had different meanings and connotations. This project attempts to examine these many facets (spiritual, metaphorical and practical aspects) of the practice of veiling in South Asia.

The project comprises of two main components: a conference and a subsequent volume. The conference was held in Colombo from 11 – 12 October 2015 and brought together scholars from South Asia to present papers on, and respond to, the practice of veiling among the different communities in South Asia and its social and cultural implications.

  © Regional Centre for Strategic Studies.