Strengthening Cooperation and Collaboration among Civil Society Organizations in South Asia

27 November 2017 – 28 November 2017 | Colombo, Sri Lanka

Regional Centre for Strategic Studies (RCSS) with the partnership of Global Partnership for Preventing Armed Conflict (GPPAC) in Hague, Netherlands convened a meeting titled “Strengthening Cooperation and Collaboration among Civil Society Organizations in South Asia”, from 27-28 November, 2017 in Colombo, Sri Lanka with the participation of GPPAC South Asia (SA) network members, RCSS and a GPPAC representative from the Global Secretariat. The objectives of the meeting were to finalize the GPPAC SA Annual Plan 2018 and understand the SA regional context.

The main focus of GPPAC is to establish peace and security in the many regions they are operating through multi-actor collaboration and local ownership of strategies. Since the inception, RCSS has been facilitating GPPAC to connect with key actors and CSOs in SA promoting strengthening the regional, national and local actors to work towards peace and security in the region. However, GPPAC moved out of SA in 2015 which led to inactivity of the SA network members. In 2017, GPPAC is returning back with future prospects to reinstigate GPPAC activities in SA region through its network.

Various initiatives that led GPPAC to be active in SA region have given hope for better networking among CSOs within the region and impactful initiatives that will enable dialogue among SA actors working for peace and security within the region and beyond. With an understanding of opportunities available to act to eliminate negative factors which lead to conflict and insecurities in the South Asian countries, GPPAC is planning to get insight from SA members to provide input mainly to work on prevention of violent extremism, advancement of human security in SA and plight of refugees in SA.

In this meeting, RCSS presented the tentative work plan for 2018 and it was finalized with a number of changes. During the meeting, the participants presented a short presentation on ‘Role of Civil Society in Peace and Security’ in their countries. Based on the inputs from the members and deliberation followed by them, a theme for next year activities was decided.

The participants of the meeting were: Prof. Moonis Ahmar, Program on Peace Studies & Conflict Resolution,Department of International Relations,University of Karachi, Pakistan;   Mr. Hamid Darwesh, Directorof Programs, The Afghanistan Justice Organization (AJO),Afghanistan; Mr. Azmal Khan, Assistant Professor in International Relations, Jahangirnagar University&Bangladesh Enterprise Institute, Bangladesh; Ms. Seema Kakran, Deputy Director, Women in Security, Conflict Management and Peace (WISCOMP), India: Dr. Nishchal N. Pandey, Director, Centre for South Asian Studies, Nepal; Ms. Visaka Dharmadasa, GPPAC Gender Focal Point in South Asia & Chairperson, Association of War Affected Women, Sri Lanka, Dr. Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu, Executive Director,

Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA)Sri Lanka; Ms. Maithreyi Rajasingam, Executive Director (Legal), Viluthu Centre for Human Resource Development, Sri Lanka.

  © Regional Centre for Strategic Studies.