Across Generations : Building a Nuclear Free World Together

28 March 2014 | Taj Samudra Hotel, Colombo, Sri lanka

RCSS co-hosted this event with Peaceboat on the 28 March 2014 at the Taj Samudra Hotel, Colombo. The partnership between Peaceboat and RCSS was enabled by GPPAC.

This event was part of the 7th Global Voyage for a Nuclear Free World, undertaken by Peace Boat, an international NGO based in Japan. To date, 150 Hibakusha (atomic-bomb survivors) have traveled around the world to appeal for a nuclear-free world through Peace Boat.

Presently, there is a growing interest in the “humanitarian impact of nuclear weapons” at a global level. This has led to a strengthening of the movement towards a world free of nuclear weapons. Furthermore, the Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011 only served to highlight the persisting threat of nuclear technology.

The theme of this Peace Boat voyage was “Across Generations: Building a Nuclear Free World Together. This event was aimed at “passing on” testimonies of nuclear warfare across generations, from elderly Hibakusha with vivid memories, to succeeding generations who have not directly experienced nuclear devastation. Additionally, this interactive platform enabled Sri Lankans to not only hear these accounts firsthand but to also contribute a Sri Lankan perspective to the dialogue on abolishment of nuclear weapons.

External Links

  1. Building a Culture of Peace Around the World.

  © Regional Centre for Strategic Studies.