Meeting with His Excellency David McKinnon, High Commissioner, Canadian High Commission in Sri Lanka

23 January, 2018 |  Colombo, Sri Lanka

His Excellency Mr. David McKinnon
Prof. Gamini Keerawella, Executive Director, Regional Centre for Strategic Studies (RCSS) met with His Excellency Mr. David McKinnon, High Commissioner, Canadian High Commission in Sri Lanka to discuss future collaboration. H. E. Mr. David McKinnon was presented with RCSS publications on various strategic and international issues which impact the South Asia region. 

Pro. Gamini Keerawella
Prof. Gamini Keerawella highlighted the capacity of RCSS as an independent regional organization in South Asia to implement projects that are inclusive of other countries of the South Asia region. He further elaborated on RCSS as an organization focuses on Research, Advocacy and Networking that will complement future collaboration. He discussed the evolving contours of maritime architecture in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR) and importance of strategic location of Sri Lanka and India, RCSS’ interest in research related to ethnicity power structures and governance in the post-colonial state formation still evolving in the countries of the South Asian region and its impact on strategic and international relations. He highlighted the possibility of promoting civic space in the region and prioritizing youth and gender in RCSS research, advocacy and networking. H.E. Mr. David McKinnon expressed interest on work RCSS has been doing with its regional networking ability and encourage RCSS to seek funding opportunities through Canada Fund for research that RCSS will be doing in the future. 

  © Regional Centre for Strategic Studies.