Fifth Summer Workshop - Defence Technology and Cooperative Security in South Asia

12 September 1997 – 20 September 1997 |  Kandy, Sri Lanka

Science, Technology, & Arms Control Workshop (Summer School): In the Summer School Workshop, an international and multidisciplinary set of instructors expose young Indian, Pakistani and Chinese scholars and journalists to state-of-the art analyses on arms control and regional security and cooperation in order to sharpen their applied understandings of these issues and to create a network of younger professionals that transcends regional borders.

The first workshop was held in Bhurban, Pakistan in 1993, followed by one in Nathiagali, Pakistan, in 1994, and two in Neemrana, India, in 1995 and 1996. Beginning in 1997 the Summer School will be organized by RCSS and the next work shop is scheduled to be held in Sri Lanka with the possibility of holding the 1998 Workshop in China being explored. Among the issues that have been taken up in Summer School sessions are security and media, arms control, chemical and light weapons and South Asian defence policy and CBMs. The organizers put together a detailed study pack on these issues before a workshop and also solicit evaluations and feedback after it is over. Summer School participants produce a daily newsletter during the workshop, and efforts are on to find ways to sustain participant networks after workshop sessions conclude. The possibility of setting up an Alumni Association with chapters in India, Pakistan and China along with an e-mail network or information digest has been discussed in this connection, The Summer School has a newsletter with articles and news about the alumni. The school chair is Chris Smith King’s College, London and the executive director is Dr. Iftekhar Zaman, the Pakistani organizer is Pervez Hoodbhoy of the Quaid-I-Azam University, Islamabad, the Indian organizer is Mr P.R. Chari and the Chinese organizer is Dingli Shen of Fudan University. Summer School is partially funded by the Ford Foundation, the W. Alton Jones Foundation, the John Merck Fund and the Ploughshares Fund.

The Summer Workshop on Defence, Technology and Cooperative Security in South Asia was held from 12 – 20 September 1997 at The Tourmaline, Kandy, Sri Lanka. The keynote address at this event was delivered by Prof. Mohammed Ayoob. The summer course outline was as follows:  Security: Concepts and Context  Defence and Technology: Conventional and Nuclear  Confidence Building and Cooperative Security  Case Studies The Summer Workshop was held with the support of the W Alton Jones Foundation, John Merck Fund, Ford Foundation and Ploughshares Fund. It attracted participants from South Asia and China. Faculty: Dr. Samina Ahmed (Institute of Regional Studies); Gen. Khalid Mahmud Arif (Pakistan Security and Development Association); Dr. Eric H Arnett (Stockholm International Peace and Research Institute); Prof. Mohammed Ayoob (Michigan State University, USA); Gen. Dipankar Banerjee (Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies); Kent Biringer (Cooperative Monitoring Centre); Prof. P R Chari (Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies); Prof. Stephen P Cohen (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign); Giri D Deshingker (Institute of Chinese Studies); Dr. Jayantha Dhanapala (Sri Lanka); Prof. Bhabani Sen Gupta (Centre for Studies in Global Change); Zahid Hussain (The Newsline, Pakistan); Dr. P K Iyengar (Indian Atomic Energy Commission); Sridhar K Khatri (Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu); Dr. Michael Krepon (Henry L Stimson Centre); Dr. Amitabh Mattoo (Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi); Dr. Vernon L B Mendis (Bandaranaike International Diplomatic Training Institute); M B Naqvi (Pakistan); Prof. Richard R Preston Jr. (Sandia National Laboratories); Prof. Dingli Shen (Fudan University, Shanghai) ; Prof. M Shahiduzzaman (University of Dhaka, Dhaka); Dr. Ayesha Siddiqa-Agha (Pakistan Railways); Dr. Chris N Smith (King’s College, London); Ahmer Bilal Soofi (Pakistan); Gen. Krishnaswami Sundarji (India); Lawrence C Trost (Sandia National Laboratories); Gamini Weerakoon (The Island and Sunday Island).

  © Regional Centre for Strategic Studies.