Book Launch : Building Bridges and Promoting People to People Interaction in South Asia

06 August 2012 | Hotel Annapurna,Kathmandu Nepal

The book launch of the Building Bridges and Promoting People to People Interaction in South Asia was held on 6th August , 2012 in Kathmandu, Nepal. 

The book was edited by Nishthal Pandy- Director of Centre for South Asian Studies and sponsored by GPPAC and RCSS. Madhu Raman Acharya- Nepal’s former Foreign Secretary was the chief guest of the event. Mallika Joseph- Executive Director of RCSS welcomed the guests. The  Vote of Thanks was given by Chaminda Hettiarachchi- Associate Director of RCSS . RGS members of GPPAC South Asia and a distigished gathering of strategic  community members of Nepal was present during the event.

  © Regional Centre for Strategic Studies.