S. D. Muni

S. D. Muni

Professor S.D. Muni is a Professor Emeritus, Jawaharlal Nehru University. He is also Distinguished Fellow with the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, New Delhi. He served as India’s Special Envoy to Southeast Asian countries on UN Security Council Reforms (2005-06) and served as India’s Ambassador to Lao PDR (1997-1999). In 2005, the Sri Lankan President bestowed on him ‘Sri Lanka Ratna’, the highest civilian honour for a non-national. He superannuated from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi in 2006 and has held the Appadorai Chair of International Relations and Area Studies. 

He was the founder Editor of Indian Foreign Affairs Journal, (Cambridge University Press, India) and South Asia Journal, (Sage India). Prof. Muni served Observer Research Foundation, New Delhi, as Director of Research (2006-2007). He received a ‘Life Time Achievement’ Award from Venkateshwera University, Tirupati, (Andhra), India in 2014. A founder Executive Member of the Regional Centre of Strategic Studies, Colombo, Prof. Muni was also nominated to India’s first National Security Advisory Board in 1990-91 and addressed the UN Ad hoc Committee on Indian Ocean as a Zone of Peace at Socci (then USSR) in 1985. Professor Muni’s recent publications include China’s Strategic Engagement with the New ASEAN (2002); Responding to Terrorism in South Asia, Published by Manohar Publishers, New Delhi for RCSS Colombo, in 2006; India’s Foreign Policy: The Democracy Factor, (2009); India and China: The Next Decade (2009); The Emerging Dimension of SAARC (2010); Asian Strategic Review, For 2014 and 2015, published by Pentagon Press, New Delhi for Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, New Delhi in 2015 and 2016 respectively; and Resurgent China: South Asian perspectives, Co-edited with Tan Tai Young, Routledge, 2012.

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