Zia Mian

Zia Mian

Dr. Zia Mian is a physicist and co-directs the Program on Science and Global Security at Princeton University, where he also directs the Project on Peace and Security in South Asia. His research interests include issues of nuclear disarmament and peace with a focus on nuclear weapons and nuclear energy policy in South Asia. He is co-editor of Science & Global Security, the international technical journal of arms control, nonproliferation and disarmament and also co-chair of the International Panel on Fissile Materials (IPFM), a 17-country independent group of experts working to end production and to reduce and eliminate global stockpiles of highly enriched uranium and plutonium, the key ingredients for nuclear weapons. He is co-author of Unmaking the Bomb: A Fissile Material Approach to Nuclear Disarmament and Nonproliferation (MIT Press, 2014), and in addition to his scholarly work he has helped make two documentary films on peace and security in South Asia. He is affiliated with the Eqbal Ahmad Centre for Public Education (EACPE), Islamabad.

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