
Ms. Saira Bano

Kodikara Award - 2014
China-India-Pakistan Nuclear Triangle- The Post India-US Nuclear Deal
Saira Bano is a PhD candidate in Centre for Military and Strategic Studies (CMSS) at the University of Calgary, Canada. Her research focuses on the nuclear nonproliferation regime, nuclear weapons issues in South Asia, especially India, and nonproliferation policies of states, such the US, Pakistan, Israel and India. Her PhD dissertation, grounded in regime theory, analyses the India-United States Civilian Nuclear Agreement, and explores its implications for the nuclear non-proliferation regime. She has won several academic and research awards. She was awarded the prestigious Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship Doctoral by SSHRC (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council). She was also awarded prestigious Graduate Research Award by the Simons Foundation.

Ms. Shubha Kamala Prasad

Kodikara Award - 2014
Religion and Foreign Policy in South Asia: Implications for the Region
Shubha Kamala Prasad is currently pursuing her PhD in Political Science at the Department of Government, Georgetown University, Washington, DC. She completed her MPhil in International Politics at the Centre for International Politics, Organisation, and Disarmament, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. Her MPhil dissertation explored religion as a variable in mainstream IR theories during the twentieth century. Shubha’s areas of interest span International Relations Theory, Indian Foreign Policy, the role of religion in international politics, and non-conventional security issues. She has previously worked as Programme Officer at the Centre for Dialogue and Reconciliation, New Delhi, and as the Programme Assistant for four Chaophraya India-Pakistan Track II Dialogues co-conducted by Australia-India Institute and Jinnah Institute.

Dr. Venkat Lokanathan 

Kodikara Awards - 2013
Security of Nuclear Weapons: India’s Role in the 21st Century
Dr. Venkat Lokanathan is currently Assistant Professor and Coordinator of the Masters Program at Post Graduate Research Center, St. Joseph’s College, an autonomous institution run by the Society of Jesuits in Bangalore. He is a Research Fellow at the Kabul Center for Strategic Studies, Afghanistan and a member of the National Advisory Council of the Center for Human Security, a non-governmental think tank based in Hyderabad, set up to research and evaluate various issues affecting India’s national security. Prior, he was Assistant Professor at the Department of Geopolitics and International Relations at Manipal University, Manipal. Previously, Dr. Venkat has worked in the Security Information Services team on Risk Analysis in New Markets and Country Intelligence Reports with Rudolph P. Eddy, Senior Fellow at the Manhattan Institute. He was also a Research Officer at the Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies, New Delhi. 

Dr. Venkat has an M. Phil and PhD from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. His areas of research interests are broadly focused on the alternative discourse of threats to peace and stability in South Asia with a specific focus on US Foreign Policy in the region and matters relating to India’s national security. As part of his wider research interests, Dr. Venkat has also worked on US foreign policy towards the Middle East with a focus on Saudi Arabia. His teaching interests include Contemporary Indian Politics and Indo-US relations with specific focus on nuclear issues. 

Dr. Venkat was a participant in the Ninth Dialogue on“Indo–US Relations and International Security” conducted by National Institute of Advanced Studies, (Bangalore) - Committee on International Security and Arms Control of the US National Academy of Sciences, (Washington DC) and a discussant on “Nuclear Disarmament: Global Steps towards Human Security” at an International Seminar organised by the VPM’s Centre for International Studies (Mumbai). Some of his publications include: “India-US Nuclear Agreement: Issues before the US Congress” Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies, (New Delhi); “Sino-Indian Relations in perspective of the Indo-US Nuclear Agreement”, Journal of Asian Affairs, (United Kingdom); “Global Nuclear Disarmament: Urgent Effective Steps Needed”, World Focus Journal, (New Delhi); “Gas Pipelines and Nuclear Energy: India’s Options” Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies, (New Delhi)

Mr. Ilhan Niaz

Kodikara Awards - 2013
Understanding and Addressing the Administrative Aspect of Pakistan's Civil-Military Imbalance
Ilhan Niaz is an Assistant Professor of History at the Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan, and the author of The Culture of Power and Governance of Pakistan, 1947-2008 (Karachi: Oxford University Press, 2010, 2011) and An Inquiry into the Culture of Power of the Subcontinent (Islamabad: Alhamra, 2006). He has been published in leading international academic journals including The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, Asian Affairs (The Journal of the Royal Society for Asian Affairs), Asian Profile, The New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies, South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies, and The Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies. He also occasionally contributes articles and reviews to leading national news publications. His most recent book, The Culture of Power and Governance of Pakistan, was awarded best non-fiction book of 2010 at the 2011 Karachi Literature Festival. He is currently working on his next book, which is a comparative study of the development of the state in eight selected parts of the world and is writing a series of research papers on administrative corruption in Pakistan.

Mr. Sunil Pradhan

Kodikara Awards - 2013
Politics and Governance in Nepal
Mr. Sunil Pradhan is a research scholar pursuing his MPhil/PhD programme in the Department of International Relations/Politics, School of Global Studies, Sikkim University, Gangtok, India. He is currently writing his MPhil dissertation on the topic “The role of ISI in Afghanistan: September 11 and Beyond” under the supervision of Dr. Manish, Associate Professor and Head of the Department. He is an alumnus of Rockvale Academy, Kalimpong, Dist- Darjeeling, West Bengal, India. He is a resident of North Regu, Rongli, East Sikkim, Sikkim, India. He has language proficiency in English, Hindi and Nepali.

Mr. Daya Raj Subedi

Kodikara Awards - 2013
From Political Insurgency to Peace Politics: Role of Media in Nepal
Mr. Daya Raj Subedi is a lecturer at Mid Western University, Nepal where he teaches conflict and peace studies. He is also an adjunct faculty at Conflict, Peace and Development Studies, Tribhuwan University. He is recipient of research fellowship of a joint venture between Hiroshima University Partnership Project for Peace building and Capacity Development (HiPeC), Japan and Centre for Nepal and Asian Studies (CNAS), Tribhuwan University. Likewise, he worked as research assistant to a researcher from Cranfield University, UK. He received master degree from Tribhuwan University. — with Daya Raj Subedi.

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