World Peace Festival - 2011

20 June 2011 | Berlin, Germany

The World Peace Festival will be taking place from Saturday 20th August until Saturday 27th August in the heart of Berlin, Germany – – a location that symbolizes peace, freedom and the opening of frontiers.

The festival will be a week-long celebration of peace, starting with a programme of live music, cultural and arts events, and finishing with two days of powerful and action-oriented conferences at the Estrel Conference Centre, Berlin.

Friday, 26th August

“Peace Starts With Us”- Nobel Peace Prize Laureates discussing all aspects of the prevention and resolution of conflict with the world’s top political, military and business leaders.

Saturday, 27th August

The World Peace Partnership presents:
  • “The Global Peace Building Strategy” – a working conference when experts from UN, civil society and leading peace nations will discuss and develop the seven objectives of the Global Peace Building Strategy – in development since 2008 with the help of leading NGOs, governments and experienced peace-builders.
  • “Self Knowledge Global Responsibility”– a day-long event including meditation and self awareness sessions, with leading practitioners such as Deepak Chopra, and a number of practical workshops with NGOs and civil society groups to explore how peace really does begin with us, and how self awareness is integral to effective work in the world.

These conferences will explore and develop all the key issues related to peace, from a tax on arms exports to the role of women in the prevention of conflict, from peace education to the building of national Infrastructures for Peace, from the role business can play, to that of the media and Silicon Valley, from local levels to global levels – the focus is on long-term strategies that will structurally change conflicts in many ways.

You can register for tickets at

Tickets will be priced according to employment status, and will be on sale in the middle of June.

The mission of the World Peace Festival is to inspire and empower people to be more at peace with themselves, others, and the environment.

Progamme Details

  © Regional Centre for Strategic Studies.