Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC)

The Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict is a global member-led network of civil society organisations (CSOs) who actively work on conflict prevention and peace building.

GPPAC's mission is to promote a global shift in peace building from solely reacting to conflict to preventing conflicts from turning violent through multi-actor collaboration and local ownership of strategies for peace and security. It aims to achieve greater national, regional and global synergy in the field of conflict prevention and peace building, and to strengthen the role of local members in the regions affected by conflict.

GPPAC is organised primarily through regional networks and global structures. At the regional level, GPPAC is governed by Regional Steering Groups (RSGs) and at the global level by an International Steering Group (ISG), in majority composed of representatives from GPPAC regional networks. Each GPPAC Region is coordinated by a Regional Secretariat.

For more information on GPPAC, please refer to

RCSS is the Regional Secretariat for South Asia. It serves as the primary point of contact in South Asia for both regional network members and the broader GPPAC network.

Prof. Imtiaz Ahmed, Executive Director of RCSS, is the Regional Representative (RR) of South Asia to the International Steering Group (ISG) of GPPAC. He acts as an advocate, ambassador, and where agreed, official representative of the regional network and represents the regional networl at ISG meetings.

Ms. Sumuchu Jayasinghe is the Regional Liaison Officer (RLO) for South Asia. She acts as a link between Regional and Global Secretariats and the network. She works in close collaboration with the RR to support the functioning of the regional network, maintain close lines of communication with the Global Secretariat and perform a variety of other operational tasks.

  © Regional Centre for Strategic Studies.