Meeting : International Research Committee of RCSS

06 August 2008 | Colombo, Sri Lanka

RCSS convened a meeting of its International Research Committee (IRC) that guides the centre’s research and core activities, on August 6, 2008 in Colombo. Dr. Shaheen Afroze and Prof. Ataur Rahman from Bangladesh, Prof. Aparajita Biswas and Dr. P. Sahadevan from India, Prof. Shen Dingli from China, Dr. Saba Gul Khattak from Pakistan, and Prof. Neluka Silva and Prof. Nira Wickremesinghe from Sri Lanka were members of the IRC who were present at this meeting. ED RCSS Dr. Syed Rifaat Hussain, Ambassador Geetha de Silva, Associate Director and Prof. R.A. Ariyaratne, Member, Board of Directors of RCSS were also present.

One of the key decisions taken at the meeting was the setting up of two committees – a fundraising committee and programme committee which were formed to assist and guide the centre with regard to its future activities. Prof. Ataur Rahman was appointed as the Convenor of the Fundraising Committee while Dr. P. Sahadevan was appointed the Convenor of the Programme Committee.

Among matters discussed were, the necessity for RCSS to focus deeply on issues such as Climate Change; Food Security; Energy Issues and Migration related to Environment.  The IRC stressed the importance of mapping out strategies for the conduct of RCSS activities in conformity with the changing perspectives on international relations.

  © Regional Centre for Strategic Studies.