The Economics of Conflict, Insecurity and Development

11 March 2013 |  Taj Samudra, Colombo, Sri Lanka

By Prof. Tilman Bruck

Professor Thilman Bruck
Professor Thilman Bruck is a development economist who trained at Glasgow University and Oxford Univeristy. He bacame the eghth director of the Stockholm International Peac Research Institute (SIPRI) in January 2013. His research interests include the inter-relationsip between peace, security and develpment (especially at the mcro level), the economcs of post-war reconstruction, and the economics of terrorism and security policy, with country experiences in Angola, Colombia, Kyrogyzstan, Nicaragua, Mongolia, Mozambiue, Ruwanda, Uganda and Ukrain,e Tilman Bruck also collects and analyses houshold level surveys to study poverty and employment and how they relate to conflict. he is a co-founder and co-director of the Households in Conflict Network and founding member of the Global Young Academy. He was previously a full precessor of development economics at Humboldt University of berlin and a head of department at the German Institue for Economc Research (DIW). Tilman Bruck has also worked as an adviser and consultant for numerous governments and international organizations.

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The lecture was organized by "The Regional Centre for Strategic Studies" and "The Regional Programm SAARC of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung".

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