RCSS Launches its New Website

01 July 2009 | Colombo, Sri Lanka

The formal launching of the new RCSS Website took place on Wednesday July 1, 2009 at the RCSS amidst the presence of a distinguished gathering. Executive Director, Professor Amal Jayawardane welcoming the members of RCSS, representatives of other organizations associated with the Centre and well-wishers explained the circumstances leading to the designing of a new website to project the vision of RCSS and its activities. He launched the new website through an innovative introductory process created for the occasion by the designer, Weblook International.

Among the striking features of the new website is the home page with a flash banner depicting the main focus of RCSS; rotating introductions to events and publications; and links to RCSS brochure and newsletter. The Projects/Workshops page contains elaborate information on RCSS activities, during the last decade, together with photographs. The Publications page brings out amongst other publications, the RCSS Policy Studies, the contents of which can be accessed in PDF format by those interested in reading them. The newly introduced Networks page provides information on the respective organizations that RCSS is networking with, and their activities. While the Research Awards page gives details of the awards made by RCSS to young scholars in the South Asia region the Alumni page lists the names of the approximately 457 persons who earned alumni membership by successfully participating in RCSS workshops and research work.

The website has been designed to meet modern web designing standards along with a prominent feature that enables RCSS to continuously update its affiliates about its activities.

Concluding the launching ceremony, RCSS Associate Director Ambassador Geetha de Silva expressed the hope that the new website being very user-friendly would encourage scholars from South Asia and beyond to visit the site and access its information on a regular and frequent basis.

The website can be accessed at http://www.rcss.org

  © Regional Centre for Strategic Studies.