RCSS Co-hosts Trilateral Dialogue on Nuclear Issues in Colombo

06 December 2008 - 07 December 2008 | Colombo, Sri Lanka

Together with the Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies (IPCS) in New Delhi, RCSS hosted an India-Pakistan-China Trilateral Dialogue on nuclear issues on 6-7 December 2008, at Hotel Galadari, Colombo.  The activity was conducted in the context of the growing global demand for the elimination of nuclear weapons, with leading international personalities getting involved in the process.
Three main initiatives that the event focused on in this respect were, the Nuclear Threat Initiative’s project on Nuclear Weapons Elimination led by the Quartet of Henry Kissinger, James Schultz, Sam Nunn and Bill Perry; Australia-Japan initiative on an international commission for eliminating nuclear weapons; and the International consortium on “Global Zero” to be launched in Paris in early December.

The programme included trilateral discussions among India, Pakistan and China and a one day bilateral simulation exercise between India and Pakistan. The participants included experts from the three countries including former diplomats and former military officials.

  © Regional Centre for Strategic Studies.