International Police Station Visitors Week - 2007

14 March 2007 | Jaipur, India

The Regional Awards Ceremony of the Altus Global Police Station Visitors Week, organized by RCSS was held in Jaipur, India on 14th March 2007.

Awards were presented to police stations that ranked the best in South Asia and a special award to the one that was adjudged the best in the region. This award was presented to the police station of Shipra Path in Jaipur in the state of Rajasthan.

It is significant that Kirulapone Police Station was presented with the award for the best police station among participating police stations in Sri Lanka. Inspector S.P.K. Warnasuriya, former Officer in Charge of the Kirulapone Police Station was nominated by the Inspector General of Police to attend this ceremony and accept this prestigious award. Inspector Warnasuriya made a presentation of best practices of police stations in Sri Lanka with special reference to the Kirulapone Police Station which he represented. He also had the opportunity to make a visit to the Shipra Path police station which was ranked best in South Asia.

The Police Station Visitors Week (PSVW) was a unique initiative that organized simultaneous participation of police stations in 23 countries where groups of local citizens visited the police stations with a view to making an assessment of service to the public by the police force. The visits of local citizens to their police stations in these 23 countries have encouraged the public to better understand the functions of the police force and build a better relationship with them.

Among the police stations visited in Sri Lanka, the following three received the highest overall scores: Kirulapone police Station in the Colombo District; Sevanagala Police Station in the Moneragala District and Galaha Police Station in the Kandy District. The scores and reports from these stations have been combined with those from other participating countries in the region and analysed in a regional report. These reports can be used by the police and community residents throughout the country to discuss the elements of police service that have made an impact on the local visitors, which should help to spread good practices, improve relations between the police and civilians, and strengthen the accountability of the police to the people they serve.

  © Regional Centre for Strategic Studies.