Mallika Joseph

Mallika Joseph
Former Executive Director of RCSS

Mallika is the Deputy Director (Operations) at the AII @Delhi. Mallika also serves as Secretary of the Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies in an honorary capacity. She served as the Executive Director of the Regional Centre for Strategic Studies (RCSS) from January 2012 until December 2014.

Mallika has worked on various issues relating to South Asian security and her areas of interest include human security, security sector reform, international organized crime, international terrorism, Left Extremism, improvised explosive devices, small arms and light weapons. She specializes on security sector reform (SSR) and is one of the 24 experts who were inducted into the UN Roster of SSR Experts in 2009. In 2007 and in 2006, she was part of the DFID high-level technical team that offered consultancy for broad- based SSR engagement in Guyana; the mission resulted with the SSR Action Plan being tabled in the Guyanese Parliament and passed unanimously.

In 2009, she also received the prestigious UK Chevening Fellowship which enabled her to undergo a 12 week training program/fellowship from January to April 2009 at the National Policing Improvement Agency at Bramshill, UK, on the subject of international organized crime. Between January and September 2011, she was with the Geneva-based International Security Sector Advisory Team (ISSAT) of the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF) designing, planning and delivering courses on SSR to senior practitioners. She also assisted with ISSAT bringing out its first online certified e-learning course on SSR in collaboration with UNITAR.

In 2009, she received the prestigious UK Chevening Fellowship. Prior to that, she received the coveted RCSS Mahab ul Haq Award for collaborative research in South Asia, and was a JNU-Ford Foundation exchange scholar and spent a semester at the University of Notre Dame, US.

Mallika has a PhD in International Relations. She has co-authored three books, Small Arms and the Security Debate in South Asia; Anti-Personnel Landmines: A South Asian Regional Survey; and Lethal Fields: Landmines and Improvised Explosive Devices in South Asia and was a regular contributor to the Landmine Monitor for the country sections on South Asian countries. She has also co-edited Reintroducing Human Security in South Asia, Consolidating Peace in Jammu and Kashmir, Terrorism and its repercussions on International Politics and Missing Boundaries: Refugees, Migrants, Stateless and Internally Displaced Persons in South Asia.

  © Regional Centre for Strategic Studies.