Iftekhar Zaman

Iftekhar Zaman
Former Executive Director of RCSS

Iftekhar Zaman served for four years from 1995 as Executive Director of the Regional Centre for Strategic Studies, Colombo, Sri Lanka, and before that worked with the Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies for 19 years, as Senior Research Fellow and Research Director. He was also previously Executive Director of the Bangladesh Freedom Foundation (1999-2004). He worked for one year during 1989-1990 with the Department of International Relations of the University of Tokyo as a post-doctoral fellow. Dr. Zaman holds degrees from University of Dhaka and Academy of Economics, Warsaw.

Dr Zaman has been associated with a number of national, regional and international organizations and forums including the Washington DC-based Council on Foundations as chair of its international committee; Governing Council of the Manila-based Asia-Pacific Philanthropy Consortium (APPC) as Chair; New York-based Synergos Institute as a Senior Fellow, Brussels-based Worldwide Initiatives for Grantmaker Support (WINGS) as a member of the Coordinating Committee.

Dr Zaman’s main areas of interest are development, politics, security and cooperation in South Asia in general and Bangladesh in particular, on which he has published extensively in and outside Bangladesh. He is currently the Executive Director of Transparency International, Bangladesh.

  © Regional Centre for Strategic Studies.