What is Available in Library

Since its inception in March 2001, the RCSS library has been playing an important role in imparting information to the scholarly community in the south Asian region. The need for a good research library on South Asian Security Studies was felt, as there is a dearth of information for university students, scholars, military officers and researchers. Having established the RCSS library in 2001, people from each corner of the country visit the RCSS library to obtain knowledge and information. As Sri Lanka is a developing country most of the university undergraduates do not have easy access to reading materials for their studies. The RCSS library helps them to obtain maximum usage of scholarly materials through its physical and e-repository collections. In particular it has now become a popular location for foreign students and researchers pursuing studies on Sri Lanka and the South Asian region. The reference material available in the library covers almost all aspects of modern international studies, such as those dealing with conflict and peace, traditional and non-traditional sources of civil friction, arms proliferation, war-displaced populations, and human security issues. The RCSS library services are offered to universities, military academies, research institutes, schools, NGO/INGOs and the public in the region.

Services offered by the Library
Beneficiaries of the Library
·         Physical Repository
·         Electronic Repository (Offline)
o   e-subject
o   e-journal
o   e-books
o   e-theses
·         Digital Reference Library Portal (online)
·         Blog on Strategic Studies (Online)
·         Workshops on Skills Development for Research/Dissertation

·         University scholars
·         Undergraduates
·         Research scholars
·         Military personnel
·         Scientists
·         Media personnel
·         Government officials
·         Civil Society and Peace-building actors
·         Local and international Non-government organizations (NGOs)
·         Think Tanks
·         Experts/resource persons
·         General public

  • Thirty-four subjects are covered in the ETD repository in RCSS Library. Total of 351 ETDs are coming under the following subjects fields.

E- Journal Titles
1.    Adelphi Papers
2.    American Academy of Political and Social Science
3.    Asia Policy
4.    Asian Security
5.    Asian Survey
6.    Australian Journal of International Affairs
7.    Cambridge Review of International Affairs
8.    Chinese Journal of International Politics
9.    Conflict, Security and Development
10.  Contemporary South Asia
11.  Democratization
12.  Foreign Affairs
13.  Foreign Policy Analysis
14.  International Organization
15.  International Security
16.  International Studies Quarterly
17.  Journal of Conflict Resolution
18.  Journal of Intervention and State Building
19.  Journal of Peace Research (Taylor & Francis Ltd.)
20.  Journal of Strategic Studies (Taylor & Francis Ltd.)
21.  Military Balance
22.  Military Psychology
23.  Political Science Quarterly
24.  Security Dialogue
25.  Security Studies (Taylor & Francis Ltd.)
26.  Small Wars and Insurgencies (Taylor & Francis Ltd.)
27.  Strategic Analysis
28.  Strategic Comments
29.  Strategic Survey
30.  Studies in Conflict and Terrorism
31.  Survival (Taylor & Francis Ltd.)
32.  World Affairs
33.  World Policy
34.  World Politics
1.    Armed Conflict
2.    Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear(CBRN)
3.    Civil Military Relationship
4.    Cyber Threats
5.    Defense
6.    Development Security
7.    Democracy
8.    Demography
9.    Disarmament
10.  Disaster Management
11.  Economy
12.  Energy
13.  Environment
14.  Foreign Policy
15.  Future Studies
16.  Gender
17.  Governance
18.  Human security
19.  International Law
20.  Internal Security
21.  Maritime Security
22.  Media
23.  Migration
24.  Military
25.  Non-traditional Security
26.  Peace-building
27.  Political violence
28.  Radicalization
29.  Regional Cooperation
30.  Religion
31.  Security Sector Reform
32.  Small Arms
33.  Strategic Studies
34.  Terrorism

  © Regional Centre for Strategic Studies.