Thirteenth Summer Workshop - Nuclear Disarmament, Safety and Stability

15 September 2014 – 25 September 2014 |  Kalutara, Sri Lanka

The 13th RCSS Summer Workshop on Nuclear Disarmament, Safety and Stability was held on 15 – 25 September 2014 at the Tangerine Beach Hotel, Kalutara, Sri Lanka.

Hon. Prof. G L Peiris, Minister of External Affairs was the chief guest at the inauguration ceremony and the keynote address was delivered by Shri Mani Shankar Aiyar, Member of Parliament of the Rajya Sabha of India.

The workshop included discussion on topics such as:
  • The Science of Nuclear Weapons
  • Nuclearization, Policies and Doctrines
  • Theories on limited war
  • Nuclear Confidence Building and Deterrence
  • Nuclear Learning, Disarmament, Safety and Stability
  • The workshop also featured a simulation exercise conducted by a team from Sandia National Laboratories.
The valedictory address was delivered by Ambassador Jayantha Dhanapala, former Under-Secretary General of the United Nation.

The Workshop was held with the support of the Nuclear Threat Initiative and Sandia National Laboratories.

The faculty for the summer workshop consisted of Prof. Stephen P Cohen (Brookings Institute); Prof. P R Chari (Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies); Prof. R Rajaraman (Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi); Major General (Retd) Dipankar Banerjee (Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies); Air Commodore (Retd) Khalid Banuri (Strategic Plans Division); Brigadier (Retd) Naeem Salik(University of Western Australia, Perth); Dr. Geoff Forden (Sandia National Laboratories); Dr. Matt Sternat (Sandia National Laboratories); David Walker (Sandia National Laboratories); Eric Wallace (Sandia National Laboratories)

  © Regional Centre for Strategic Studies.