About RCSS Programmes

RCSS’s commitment to academic activities and various related programmes, especially for students of International Relations has been a consistent part of our outreach strategy. Among the multiple conferences, workshops, lectures, discussion forums, seminars, dialogues and meetings RCSS holds, there remain several flagship programmes such as;

  • Since its inception, RCSS has set up two flagship residential workshops that are attended by young professionals and experts from South Asia, China, the USA and outside. The Summer Workshop series has predominantly focused on traditional military sources of conflict i.e. nuclear technology and defense studies workshops. The Winter Workshop series, meanwhile has exclusively addressed non-traditional security issues in South Asia, such as; terrorism, governance, gender, migration, ethnicity and religion, resources, development and environment, refugees among other human security issues.
  • Our public lecture series, has continuously engaged with vibrant/eminent speakers, who have contributed towards knowledge sharing and policy related discourse from the region and beyond. This series of lectures have also enabled students, researchers and professionals to learn from, be exposed to, and meet key voices and figures in the field of International Relations and other relevant disciplinary areas.
  • RCSS’s pioneering course on ‘Creative Diplomacy’ which provides a comprehensive introduction to the concept of “Creative Diplomacy.” Conducted over a 3-month period, the course attempts to provide both theoretical and practical insights into the various facets of creative diplomacy. It both expands the participants’ understanding of the concept of diplomacy, and expose them to new skills and alternative perspectives to engage with stakeholders, whilst exposing the students to the knowledge and expertise of over 30 lecturers.
  • RCSS functions has the GPPAC Regional Secretariat for South Asia. The Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict is a global member-led network of civil society organisations (CSOs) who actively work on conflict prevention and peacebuilding, and under this umbrella, RCSS has initiated and hosted several conference and events over the years. Moreover, functioning as a networking institute for strategic and security studies in South Asia and builds linkages with other scholars in the region and outside, RCSS has built linkages with scholars and institutions working on security studies and has encouraged and sponsored research in this area.

  © Regional Centre for Strategic Studies.